Crypto Fundamentals Class

Interested in learning more about blockchain technology, crypto, and web3? Blockchain at Georgia Tech has created an 8-week fundamentals course that will prepare you to start your crypto journey. This course will only cover the basics, each of the topics covered could be a class of their own, and we will not go into deep technical specifics. Our goal is for students to find a sector that excites them and give them the knowledge and resources to explore that area further.

The class is open to all Georgia Tech students and will be taught on campus. However, all materials will be posted online so that anyone can follow and take the class on their own time.

Fall 2022 Schedule

Week 1: What is web3, Principles of Crypto, Why Decentralization Matters

Week 2: Blockchain Technology Basics, What is Money, Bitcoin

Week 3: Ethereum and new Layer 1 Blockchains

Week 4: Self Custody, Wallets, Exchanges, and How to Get Started in Crypto

Week 5: NFTs, GameFi, and the Industries they're Disrupting

Week 6: Decentralized Finance

Week 7: Institutions in Crypto

Week 8: The Sovereign Individual, How to get a Job in Web3, and Conclusion

Previous Classes

Spring 2022